Monday, May 20, 2013

Joyce Wieland

She will remain in the phenomenal world filled with ignorance with her sheep, and not go with him - 1983. 
Oil on canvas, 25.5 x 38.2 cm. Collection of the Artist.
The Artist on Fire - 1983. 
Oil & canvas, 106.7 x 129.5 cm. Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa.
     Joyce Wieland is a canadian artist who is known as one of the best artists of the 20th century. She was an extremely patriotic artist who expressed her love for the country in many of her paintings and loved to make art about sex and romance. She mostly used oil on canvas paintings but later in her career experimented with short films and other materials.  Furthermore, her open embracing of women sexuality as part of their identity breaks many social stigmas in regards to what is to be talked about by women and is why she was chosen for this exhibit. 

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