Monday, May 20, 2013


Feminism was an interesting movement to begin with. To watch an entire gender of a species slowly rise as a single uniform voice through out the centuries through art was a very interesting thing and creating an exhibition where you have to find ten different artists. The most fascinating thing about picking ten artists is you start to realize there is a story behind each and every person, with each person there is an even smaller story about each and every painting they create. What came challenging was making sure to pick paintings that can connect each theme from various different painting, because each artist can vary and go off their normal topic of discussion. The job of a curator is extremely interesting, just in the fact you would be able to hear so many different stories and see so many different sides of a certain topic. The way that these artists connect through their gender is extremely intriguing.Each artist as a female is united just by the fact that they are the same gender, but each artist expresses their views on femininity in vastly different ways. A kaleidoscopic of different views on their own identities and what their role as women are. 

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